Yifan Sat School at FIS
Designed for children who understand Mandarin, aim to learn Chinese reading and writing with China Kindergarten or Hong Kong local school's Chinese curriculum.
K1 - K3:<< 洪恩识字系列>> (国内幼儿园语文教材)
P1 - P6:<< 我愛學語文>>課本 (香港本地語文教材, 漢基國際學校/弘立書院小学用书)
- Each student will take a speaking assessment after enrollment, Yifan teacher will decide the class level for the student.
- Mix age study: Students are grouped according to their Mandarin level, not by their age.
- Students can choose traditional Chinese or simplified Chinese curriculum.
夏 Summer Term: Apr 22, 29, May 6, 13, 20, Jun 3, 10, 17, 24 - Total 9 sessions
Fees & Early Bird Discount
HK$330.00 per session
Termly enroll - 10% off till March 15th, 2023.
Cancelled Class by Yifan: Make-up class or credit will be given to students.
Missed Class by students: NO make-up class, refund or credit is available for any missed class.