Day / Class Time |
Levels |
Age (reference only) / Group size |
Tuition Fees (Book fee is not included) |
Saturdays 9:00 - 10:00 |
K1 Chinese Reading 幼一识字课程 K2 Chinese Reading 幼二识字课程 K3 Chinese Reading 幼三识字课程 |
3Y+ 4 - 8 children per group |
HK$300.00 per session |
Saturdays 9:00 - 10:00 |
P1 Chinese Cirriculum 小一中文课程 P2 Chinese Cirriculum 小二中文课程 P3 Chinese Cirriculum 小三中文课程 |
6Y+ 4 - 8 children per group |
HK$300.00 per session |
On Sale
On Sale
Yifan Sat School at FIS (2023 Autumn)
Sold out
Designed for children who understand Mandarin, aim to learn Chinese reading and writing with China Kindergarten or Hong Kong local school's Chinese curriculum.
K1 - K3:<< 洪恩识字系列>> (国内幼儿园语文教材)
P1 - P6:<< 我愛學語文>>課本 (香港本地語文教材, 漢基國際學校/弘立書院小学用书)
- Each student will take a speaking assessment after enrollment, Yifan teacher will decide the class level for the student.
- Mix age study: Students are grouped according to their Mandarin level, not by their age.
- Students can choose traditional Chinese or simplified Chinese curriculum.
秋 Autumn Term: Sep 16, 23, Oct 7, 14, 21, Nov 4, 11, 18, 25, Dec 2, 9 - Total 11 sessions
Fees & Early Bird Discount
HK$300.00 per session
Payment can be made by Bank Transfer, FPS 轉數快 & Payme.
Cancelled Class by Yifan: Make-up class or credit will be given to students.
Missed Class by students: NO make-up class, refund or credit is available for any missed class.
On Sale
On Sale
Trial Class of Saturday School
Sold out
Not sure if the Saturday school class is suitable for your child? Sit in a trial class first before committing to the full-term course!
Payment can be made by Bank Transfer, FPS 轉數快 & Payme.
Not refundable for any paid trial class.
Who are Yifan Saturday School Learners? 一帆周六學堂的招生要求
- Children who have good understanding in Mandarin as all classes are conducted 100% in Mandarin. 所有課程採用全普通話授課,參加學生須具備基本的中文聽說和表達能力。
- Each student will take a speaking assessment after enrollment, Yifan teacher will decide the class level for the student.學生報名後將被安排參加一次中文評估(視頻對話形式,十分鐘左右)。一帆老師將按評估結果分班。 - Mix age study: Students are grouped according to their Mandarin level, not by their age. 所有學生均按中文程度分班,不按年齡分班。 - Students can choose traditional Chinese or simplified Chinese cirriculumn. 学生可选择繁体或简体中文教材。 |
Venue 地址: French INTL School Tseung Kwan O Campus, open to none FIS students. (28 Tong Yin St, Tseung Kwan O. TKO MTR exit B / Tiu Keng Ling MTR exit A) 法國國際學校將軍澳校區,歡迎非本校學生參加。
Cancelled Class by Yifan: Make-up class or credit will be given to students. Missed Class by students : NO make-up class, refund or credit is available for any missed class. |
Year 2023 Academic Terms 2023年度学期时间表 |
Spring Term 春 2023 Feb 1 - Apr 1 Easter Camp: 2023 Apr 3 - 14 |
Autumn Term 秋 2023 Sep 5 - Dec 9 Oct Midterm Camp: Oct 24 - 27th |
Summer Term 夏 2023 Apr 17 - Jun 24 Summer Camp: 2023 Jul 4 - Sep 2 |
Winter Term 冬 Christmas Camp: Dec 18 - Jan 4 CNY holiday: Feb 10 - 18 |